Degree Requirements and "What if?" Plans

Degree Requirements and "What if?" Plans

Step-by-step instructions

Degree requirements

In the Registration tab across the top, choose Academic Plan. This will show you the degree requirements for your current major.

This page can be a lot to process on your own. Have questions about your degree requirements or need guidance on what to do next? Reach out to advising@ccad.edu, or make an appointment with your Advisor by visiting https://apptmaker.ccad.edu/ramonline.


Scroll down on the page to view specific requirements within your plan. Click the info button to see more details about a requirement, how many credits are needed to satisfy the requirement, and courses that count toward that requirement.


Create a “What if?” plan

Create a hypothetical plan to see the degree requirements for a particular major by choosing What if? under the Registration tab.


Select the period meaning semester you started at CCAD, program meaning undergraduate or graduate, and degree meaning major. Then click the Create button.

Note that the Period field shown above must be set to the semester you started at CCAD to show the correct degree requirements.

Creating a what if plan.


You can only create 2 What if? plans at a time, in order to create more you have to delete one of your plans by clicking the trash icon next to one or both of them.


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