Register for Classes

Register for Classes

Video tutorial


Step-by-step instructions

Before registering

Before actually registering for classes, here’s a brief checklist of what to do first.

  1. Check my.ccad.edu/registrar to see when your registration window opens. You can only register for classes during certain times, based on your class level. Make sure to register before the deadline, or you may be subject to a late registration fee.

  2. Check your academic plan in Self Service by choosing Academic Plan under the Registration menu. This will show you the classes you must take to complete your degree. For help building or changing your academic plan, reach out to Advising@ccad.edu or book an online appointment with your Advisor.

  3. You can also use Self Service to view Degree Requirements and "What if?" Plans to help you identify the classes you need to take.


Registering for classes

Section Search

Log into Self Service with your CCAD username and password. In the Search menu across the top, choose Section.

Use the Section Search to find courses that cover certain subject matter, what times a course is taught, or a specific section of a course.


Choose the desired semester in the Period box and enter keywords to search for specific courses such as “character”. Click the Search button to do a general search, or click Advanced search to narrow the results further based on criteria.


In the Advanced Search popup window, you can still enter Keywords such as “character” in the example image below, and narrow the results further by selecting various filters such as

  • Period (year and semester)

  • The time the class starts and ends

  • Status (Open or Waitlisted)

  • Program (Undergraduate, Graduate)

  • Department (major)

  • and others


Once you are satisfied with the search terms, click the Search button. You can always refine your search without clearing the existing search terms by clicking Advanced Search again.

Advanced search terms
More advanced search terms


In the search results you can see:

  • The name and course code (example, ANIM 3503)

  • How many credits it’s worth

  • How many seats are available

  • Where and when it meets

  • Who the instructor is

  • Click the course name to see its description and more details

Make a note of the course codes of classes you want to add. It makes the next step easier.


Adding courses to your cart and registering

When you have your course codes and you’re ready to add courses to your cart, go to the Registration menu across the top and choose Courses.

Under the Registration menu, select Courses


Here you can start a basic search for classes by entering course codes in the Search box, or a more specific search by clicking Advanced Search below the Search box.

Use the search box or Advanced Search to search for classes


To add a course to your cart, click the Add button next to it.

Click Add button to add classes to your Cart


You can also click the Calendar View button to see how your course selections fit in your schedule and make sure there isn’t any overlap.

View classes in Calendar View


Once you’re satisfied with your class selections, click the Register button. Some important notes:

If you have any Waitlisted courses in your cart, they will still be registered but you will be added to the waitlist. If a spot opens up in the course, you will receive a notification once you are fully enrolled.

If you receive the error message “Registration Failed,” you must remove any classes listed in the message from your cart before you can register for classes. Remove the class(es) listed and try again.

Once you get the green “Congratulations!” message across the top, you have successfully registered your classes! The courses in the My Schedule view on the right will change status from In Cart to Registered.

Successfully registered for classes


To view your class schedule for the upcoming semester, go to the Registration menu across the top and choose My Schedule. Here, you can view your classes for a given semester in List or Calendar View. Note that you can include any courses that are in your cart, or that you’re on the waitlist for. You can also Print your schedule using the button at the top right.

Under Registration menu, select My Schedule


Dropping classes

To drop a class, go to the Registration menu and choose Courses. On the list of classes on the right, just click the Trash icon and then click Drop Course. It will be removed from your schedule.

Make sure that the deadline to drop a course has not passed. You can check at my.ccad.edu/registrar.


Have any questions about registering for or dropping classes?

Email Advising@ccad.edu or schedule an appointment with your Advisor online.


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