Autodesk Educational License

Autodesk Educational License



Autodesk offers free educational licenses for its software such as Maya, Revit, AutoCAD and others. Autodesk requires you to verify that you are a student and you must reactivate your educational license once a year.

This offer is also available to CCAD fulltime and adjunct faculty.


Go to https://www.autodesk.com/education/edu-software. Once there, click the Get Started button to verify that you are a student.



After verifying, click Start access and then Confirm to reactivate your 1-year educational license for Toon Boom software.


Renew access to Autodesk educational license

When your one-year educational license is approaching expiration, you will receive an email with “Reverification” in the subject line from no-reply@autodeskcommunications.com. Click the Renew access button.


You will be taken to the Autodesk website and guided through the reverification process shown in the steps at the top of this page.


Need more help?

Visit Autodesk’s support site for assistance.

Autodesk Education Community Support & Training Resources