Moodle for Faculty

Moodle for Faculty


Here’s what’s covered on this page:


Moodle is CCAD’s Learning Management System (LMS), where you can post assignments, take attendance and grades, and provide resources for your students for both in-person and online classes. Use these pages to discover a variety of useful tools and functions so your students can get the most out of Moodle.

You can access Moodle by logging into the Faculty and Staff portal or by going directly to moodle.ccad.edu. Moodle uses CCAD’s Single Sign-On, which means you’ll log in using your CCAD email and the same passphrase you use to log into other systems such as Teams, Self Service, campus WiFi, and campus computers.

All degree-seeking classes are automatically created in Moodle, so you don't have to worry about creating your class or enrolling students. If you are missing classes or students, please email the Office of Student Records at Registrar@ccad.edu.

Non degree-seeking classes are not managed in Moodle. If you are teaching a non-degree seeking class, attendance and grades are recorded in Self Service.

Getting Started

Moodle login page

Go to moodle.ccad.edu and log in using your CCAD email address and passphrase.

If logging in for the first time, refer to our Welcome to CCAD (Faculty & Staff) page to get instructions to set up your account.

CCAD Moodle login screen


Once logged in you see the Moodle Home page.


Moodle Home

  1. This is the Main Menu. It contains links to the Dashboard and My Courses within Moodle, and links to other CCAD systems such as Self Service, the IT Knowledge Base, and the CCAD CARE Report.

  2. The Sub Menu (Open block drawer) contains links to different tools such as your CCAD Email, Calendar, and Google Drive, Microsoft Office, and Library Resources.

  3. Your Profile at the top right can be used to upload a picture and set various preferences. This is also where you can access Moodle Messages.

Scroll down to view more on the home page.

4. Site News is where you can see updates about CCAD Moodle, when classes are available to faculty and to students, and when site maintenance is scheduled to occur.

5. The Course Search box allows you to find courses based on the course code or keywords in the title.

6. My Courses contains courses that you’re teaching for faculty, and for students courses they’re enrolled in. To see them in a list view, click Dashboard at in the Main Menu.


On the Moodle Dashboard, you’ll see a Calendar of upcoming due dates for activities and grade items. In the Course Overview section, you can change the way your courses are displayed from Card to List or Summary view. Try out different views to see which one works best for you.

Click My Courses in the Main Menu to go to the My Courses page.


On the My Courses page, you’ll see all of the courses you are enrolled in and can search based on course name. The best way to search for courses is to use the 4-letter program code followed by the 4-digit course code (e.g., CORE1120).


Click on one of your courses to see its Main Course Page.

Main Course Page

  1. An easy-access Calendar run down for each week of your course.

  2. The only content that will be contained in a brand new course is the Announcements forum. Here you can post announcements to your class and they will be notified via email.

  3. From this panel you can access most general information about your class including access to Grades and Participants.

  4. The Toggle icon turns Editing Mode on. Editing Mode must be on to make changes to your course page.

  5. The Activities block allows you to view all activities of a certain type, such as Forums, Assignments, Quizzes, etc.

Editing your course


The gear menu contains many useful functions. To name a few:

  1. Edit course settings - Add a course image, set the course format to topics or weeks, and change your course visibility from Hide to Show so enrolled students can access it (note: all current term courses are automatically shown to students the Friday before classes start).

  2. Gradebook Setup - Set up the structure and categories of your course’s gradebook.

  3. Import - Import content from prior courses into your current course

  4. Recycle Bin - Deleted something? It will go here. Items are permanently deleted after 7 days.

  5. View course participation report - This handy tool lets you see who has participated in certain activities within a certain range of time.

Next, learn more about Editing Mode and how to start putting content in your course. Or, choose from other topics below.


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