Course settings, image, and format
To edit your Moodle course’s settings, click the highlighted header (below), to access the settings, and then go to the button slider at the top right, and toggle on the Edit mode . Here, you can
Change the Course Visibility to Hide or Show
Upload a course image
Set the Course Format to Topics or Weeks
Step-by-step instructions
Course Visibility
Courses are automatically made available to students the Friday before a semester starts. If you want to make your course available to students before that date, or if you have a student with an Incomplete grade who needs to access the course after the end of the semester, follow these steps:
These instructions only control a course’s visibility to users already enrolled. If enrollments need to be corrected please reach out to the Registrar at
This includes adding or removing:
Teaching assistants
NOTE: You cannot make a course visible only to certain students. Courses are either hidden or shown to all students enrolled in that course.
In Edit course settings, change the Course Visibility setting to Show for students to access the course, or Hide to close the course to students. Other course roles will still be able to access it.
Do not change the course start or end date.
Scroll down and click Save and display to apply course setting changes.
Upload a course image
To make your course more eye-grabbing, upload a course image that appears on Moodle Home and as a banner at the top of the course page.
In Edit course settings, under the Description group of settings, drag and drop an image into the Course Image upload box. The filename will appear in the box after it is uploaded successfully. Then, click Save and display to see the image on the course page.
You can only upload one image at a time. To change the image, go back to Edit course settings and click the filename of the currently uploaded course image. Then, click the Delete button.
Course Format
In Edit course settings, under the Course Format group of settings, click the Format drop down to choose when your course’s sections are displayed as Topics (by default, Topic 1, Topic 2, etc.), or as Weeks (August 23rd - August 27th, August 30th - September 3rd, etc.).
Below that, you can choose whether Hidden sections on your course page are shown to students in collapsed form or not at all, and whether the Course layout shows all course sections together on one page or one section per page.
Click Save and display below to apply the settings.